Daily Archives: November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving from The Fed Trader

I wanted to say “Thank You” for the interest in this site and wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.   I am also very happy to announce that the popular “FERS Guide” written by fellow 1811, Dan Jamison, has been updated, and two versions now exist, one for 1811’s, and one for non-1811’s.   They are available here:

FERS Guide – Agent Version

FERS Guide – Non Agent Version

It should be noted that in the most recent release of his publication, Mr. Jamison has mentioned this website, The Fed Trader, as a resource that he uses.   A big “Thank You” for that mention to Mr. Jamison, who has numerous followers amongst many different agencies.

In market news, we are still dealing with Fiscal Cliff issues and some market concern over that.   Greece debt issues are also occupying the attention of the market.  Stock indexes trended higher over the last few days, however this was on light volume, due to the Thanskgiving holiday, and thus this trend is not fully trustworthy.

I remain 100% G-Fund for the time being.

Again, thank you for the interest and have a Happy Thanksgiving
