Daily Archives: December 10, 2012

Dec 9 2012 Update

Good Evening everyone

I have updated multiple sections of this site, to include an “About” section, which provides some insight into my biography, including some of my published works regarding the financial markets.  Also, I have revised the “Disclaimer” to ensure that it is clear and understandable.   I have installed a LinkedIn badge in the event anyone wants to take a look at my profile over there.

Once again, “Thank You” for the interest in the site, and if you find the site useful (or at least entertaining…) , please tell your coworkers and buddies.  Most of this sites readership comes from word of mouth and networking, and I am happy to try to provide this service, “from one of you, to one of you”.   Again, thank you.


Now on to the more serious stuff.  Since my Thanksgiving update, the markets have had three (3) days of accumulation, which means that due to volume behavior and price behavior on the indexes, it is probable that large institutions are buying stock and accumulating positions.  These days occurred on Nov 16, Nov 30, and Dec 5.

A glance at the SP 500 chart shows that the index is having a hard time breaking past the 1425 level.  It kind of almost reaches it, and goes lower again.   My confidence would be a lot higher once it goes past 1425.  See chart image for visual explanation.

Which causes me to arrive to this conclusion:  The markets are still not in full Rally mode, and thus I am still in the G-Fund.   The biggest speed bump in front of the markets is the Fiscal Cliff situation, which I am hesitant to roll the dice and bet my TSP balance that it will be resolved soon.  Greek is still a problem, although I think everyone is so sick of Greece that it is “priced into the market” at this point.

Summary:   Still 100% G-Fund

Bill P