Jan 6 2013 Update – 100% S-Fund

Happy New Year (again) –

As the first week of the New Year comes to a close, it appears we are definitely on the “right foot” as far as the markets go.  Once the Fiscal Cliff situation got (apparently) resolved, the markets responded strongly with a strong vote of confidence, closing up on huge volume.  The exchange traded fund, SPY, which is a proxy for the SP 500, gapped up, which is a very good sign of strength going forward.

A look-back on the week’s fund performance, shows that small cap stocks are performing best so far, which would correspond to the S-Fund.  Next in line were large cap stocks, which would correspond to the C-Fund.  I-Fund is last in line.  Again, this is looking back the past trading week.

For now, I am 100% S-Fund.  As long as things are going smoothly, I will slow the updates down and not clog everyone’s inbox up.  Expect another update in two weeks or so.  See you then.

Bill P


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